Roommate Test

11 questions

1.  It is Friday night and your friend drops by with a DVD of your favorite movie. Your roommate has already left to spend the weekend with family. After a few too many drinks, your friend gets a little drunk and is no condition to drive home safely, so you suggest that she/he stay for the night. Where do you let him/her crash?
In your roommate's bed
In your bed
On the couch
2.  You are desperately short on cash, though you have enough food to last you until the end of the week. Payday is not for another three days. You know that your roommate is not starving for cash. You:
Wait for that paycheck – you'll just have to spend as little as possible until then.
Ask your roommate for a small loan and pay him/her back when you get your paycheck.
Ask your roommate for a small loan, and pay him/her back in installments.
Take some money out of your roommate's top drawer and return it as soon as you get your pay.
3.  You're getting ready for an important night out when you notice a pretty big stain on your dinner jacket. Unfortunately, the dry cleaner is closed and you're already running a little late. Your roommate has pretty much the same jacket as yours in his/her closet, but is already gone for the evening. What would you do?
Try to get a hold of him/her and ask if you can borrow the jacket.
Find something else to wear to dinner.
Borrow the jacket and explain to your roommate later how dire your situation was.
Borrow the jacket and put it back before your roommate gets home – you'll only be gone for a few hours.
4.  You take a phone message for your roommate before she/he gets home. It seems rather important that she/he receive the message before leaving town tomorrow. What do you do?
Leave him/her a note on the fridge.
Write the note twice and put one on the bulletin board and the other in a place where she/he is sure to find it.
Don't write the message but remind yourself to pass the message along when you see him/her.
Tell him/her when she/he gets home.
Go out looking for him/her so you can give him/her the message personally.
5.  You are not happy with the cleaning arrangements you have with your roommate. She/he just doesn't seem to be pulling her/his weight around the house. What do you do?
Mention it once in a casual tone and hope she/he gets the message.
Tell him/her straight out that she/he has to do more around the place - there is no need to soften the demand with "please" and "thank you".
Mope around hoping she/he will ask you what's up and then complain about the state of the house.
Have a serious talk with your roommate as soon as possible.
Accuse him/her of being a lazy slob and threaten non-payment of the rent if she/he doesn't clean up her/his act - literally.
Nothing, just lower your living standards to keep in line with those of your roommate. Maybe she/he will get so sick of the mess that she/he will actually start cleaning up.
Pick up the slack and take on some of your roommate's responsibilities yourself.